I can without reservation say that my experience at the Principal's Leadership Center - Leadership an Evolving Vision was the most life changing, challenging, relevant, and reassuring professional development I have attended. I want to thank Raise Your Hand Texas for their first class treatment and the experience of a lifetime. I went to Harvard with a preconceived notion of what these outsiders could teach me. It started with Chris Dede and ended with Jerome Murphy. In between, I was a participant to the most thought-provoking discussion regarding the role of education in society. While I may not have necessarily agreed with all the presenters’ ideas and beliefs about education, I respect their passions and desire to make the world a better place. Norman Kunc is an inspiring individual and I am in awe at his passionate plea for inclusive education. Kay Merseth put together an extraordinary program which made me look at my role and what I need to do to ensure that all of my students receive the best education. Joe Arangio Jr. was a great small group leader and I will miss his insight and I will miss my time with my team members. Project Adventure was an incredible experience; I only wish we had more time to experience the role of team. I was able to conquer my fear and place my trust in another person. Raymund, you are the man from down under.
My interactions with fellow educators made an impression that will last a lifetime. My fellow Texans inspire me and I can reassure all Principal's that you are not alone. It is a lonely seat we occupy and this leadership institute bonded us with people from around the world, who regardless of background have the same goals and desires for their students as we do. Together, we can change the world.
It is my hope that we continue to recognize the importance of continuing these discussions and professional development opportunities. I learned more in these ten day than I have in previous staff development opportunities. In the future, I hope that opportunities arise for those of us who were in the same co-hort to re-establish our connections and continue our discussions.
Finally, to the friends I have made, I wish you the best and you always have a friend in San Antonio. Daniel Garcia, Melba Foster, Victoria Bode, Lamont Smith, Glenda Howell, Janet Laughter, Barbara Black, Thomesine Chambers, Raymund Flanagan (Australia), Margaret Campell (Jamaica), Julie Boles (Arizona) , Janet Exon (New Zealand), Terri Neuman, Gail Miller (Australia), Tim Payne (Massachusetts), Diane Parks, and Devorie Kreiman (California) you inspire with your words and actions and you have forever made an impression in my heart.
I return to school with a renewed sense of purpose. As a principal whose father dropped out of high school in the ninth grade, I never would have imagined that I would attend Harvard for any reason. It is because of Raise Your Hand Texas and their belief in education that this is possible and I will never forget the opportunity.
Michael A. Cardona
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