Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Brenda Emanuel: Improving the Quality of Education

This experience has afforded me the opportunity to engage in collegial conversations that will have a positive impact on how I continue to lead as an instructional leader. It has allowed principals to share ideas, strategies, and techniques for dealing with issues that present challenges during our daily administration.

The participants were motivated to rethink how we conduct our business through a collaborative process. The discussion topics were relevant to issues that educators routinely face. These relevant topics were representative of concerns that educators consistently struggle to resolve in hopes of producing positive results which will impact the learning environment.

The presenters were very accessible and willing to dialogue both collectively and individually with participants in an effort to establish a sense of support and commitment to the success of today’s educational system.

I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in this program. Thank you Raise Your Hand Texas for providing the means for Texas Principals to develop a deeper understanding of effective research and its impact on teaching and learning. I know that we will utilize the information we have gained to improve the overall quality of education in our schools, districts, and communities while enhancing the knowledge and skills of today’s leaders.

Brenda Emanuel

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